Pet Owner - Android
How do I add a pet?
From the “My Pets” screen, click the “Add A Pet” blue button at the bottom of the screen then fill in all the information about your pet, then click the “save” checkmark on the top right of the screen.
How do I edit a pet?
From the “My Pets” screen, click on the picture of the pet you wish to edit, then click on the “edit” pencil icon on the top right of the screen. Make your changes, then click the “save” checkmark on the top right of the screen.
How do I hide or delete a pet?
From the “My Pets” screen, click on the picture of pet you wish to hide or delete, then click on the “edit” pencil icon on the top right of the screen. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Remove pet”. You will be offered three choices. Delete Pet (completely removes all details and pictures of the pet from the app). Hide pet and Pet Passed away (moves the profile of the pet and their pictures to the “Show Hidden Pets” section of the app but will remove the pet from the “My Pets” screen). Pet Passed Away will allow you to enter the date your pet passed. You cannot undo any of these choices so be sure before selecting.
Under Health, how do I add, edit or delete an entry?
From the “My Pets” screen, click on the picture of pet you wish to add, edit or delete a health entry for, then click on the Health icon on the bottom footer. From here you can select an icon for the type of entry you wish to record. Click the “Add A….” blue button at the bottom of the screen and enter the information. When done, click the “save” checkmark on the top right of the screen. To edit any entry, click on the entry on the summary screen then click on the “edit” pencil icon on the top right of the screen, make your changes and then click the “save” checkmark on the top right of the screen. To delete an entry, after clicking on the “edit” pencil icon, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Remove”. Alternatively, you can delete an entry on the summary screens by swiping left, then clicking delete.
How do I add a medication?
From the “My Pets” screen, click on the picture of the animal you wish to add a medication for, then click on the Health icon on the bottom footer, then click on the Medication icon. Click “Add Another Medication”, fill in the information about the medication. To set up the times you need to give the medication, click on “Set up” for Scheduled Times. Click “Add a Time” and enter time(s), then click the “save” checkmark on the top right of the times screen, then click the “save” checkmark on the top right of the medication screen.
How do I edit or delete a medication?
From the “My Pets” screen, click on the picture of the animal you wish to add a medication for, then click on the Health icon on the bottom footer, then click on the Medication icon. Click on the medication name, click on the “edit” pencil icon on the top right of the screen, make your changes, then click the “save” checkmark on the top right of the screen. To delete a medication, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Remove Medications”. Alternatively, you can delete a medication on the summary screen by swiping left, then clicking delete.
How do I add or delete a medication time?
From the “My Pet” screen, click on the picture of the animal you wish to add or delete a medication time for, then click on the Health icon on the bottom footer then click on the Medication icon. Click on the medication name, click on the “edit” pencil icon on the top right of the screen, click on “Set up” for Scheduled Times. To delete a time, swipe left and click delete. To add a time click “Add a Time” and enter time(s), then click the “save” checkmark on the top right of the times screen, then click the “save” checkmark on the top right of the medication screen.
How do I record that I have given a medication?
From the “My Pets” screen, click on the picture of the animal you wish to record giving a medication for, then click on the Health icon on the bottom footer, then click on the Medication icon. Select Administer beside the medication name you are giving, click on “Give” beside the pertaining time. Note that if you need to “ungive” a selection, you click on the “Given” button again to reset it to “Give”
I set up a medication but cannot see the administration times I set up?
If you set up a medication and the start date is set to a date in the future, the times will not be shown until that date.
How do I add or delete a picture in the gallery?
From the “My Pets” screen, click on the picture of the animal you wish to add a picture of, then click on the “edit” pencil icon on the top right of the screen. Click the + symbol, then either choose pictures from your phone’s album or click the “Take Photo” icon on the top right. You can post up to 7 pictures at a time, then click Done in the top right. Once back at the gallery, click the “save” checkmark on the top right of the gallery screen. To delete after clicking on the “edit” pencil icon on the top right of the screen, click on the X in the top right of the picture you wish to delete.
How do I send a picture to a friend from the gallery?
From the “My Pets” screen, click on the picture of the animal you wish to send a picture of, then click on the Gallery icon, click on the picture you wish to send then click on the share icon and choose your method to share the picture.
How do I add, edit or delete my pets food information?
From the “My Pets” screen, click on the picture of the animal you wish to add, edit or delete food information for, then click on the More (three dots) icon on the bottom footer, select Food, select Add a Food and enter the details of the type of food you wish to record. When done, click the “save” checkmark on the top right of the screen. To edit an entry, click on the entry on the summary screen then click on the “edit” pencil icon on the top right of the screen, make your changes and then click the “save” checkmark on the top right of the screen. To delete an entry, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Remove Food”. Alternatively, you can delete an entry on the summary screens by swiping left, then clicking delete.
How do I add, edit or delete my animals Pet Care appointments?
From the “My Pets” screen, click on the picture of the animal you wish to add, edit or delete Pet Care information for, then click on the More (three dots) icon on the bottom footer, select Pet Care, select Add a Pet Care and enter the details of the type of Pet Care appointment you wish to record. When done, click the “save” checkmark on the top right of the screen. To edit an entry, click on the entry on the summary screen then click on the “edit” pencil icon on the top right of the screen, make your changes and then click the “save” checkmark on the top right of the screen. To delete an entry, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Remove Pet Care”. Alternatively, you can delete an entry on the summary screens by swiping left, then clicking delete.
How do I set up appointments or reminders?
From the “My Pets” screen, click on the picture of the animal you wish to add an appt or reminder for, then click on the “Set Up Appts” icon on the bottom footer. Click “Add An Appt” then enter the details needed. Once done, click on the “save” checkmark on the top right of the screen. Note you can view all appts under Set Up Appts on each individual pets profile and individually under Vet Visits, Surgery, Vaccinations, Specialists or Pet Care. You can also view all appt for all your pets on the My Pets screen under View Appts for all your pets. You can also see appts individually under Vet Visits, Surgery, Vaccinations, Specialists or Pet Care.
How do I add a Professional?
From the “My Pets” screen click on the “Professional” icon on the bottom footer. Click on the “Add a Professional” blue button or if you have already set up some professionals, then you click on the + symbol in the top right of the screen to add. Fill in the information and click the “save” checkmark on the top right of the screen.
How do I edit or delete a Professional?
From the “My Pets” screen click on the “Professional” icon on the bottom footer. Click on the professional name in the gray bar that you wish to edit or delete, then click on the “edit” pencil icon on the top right of the screen. Make your changes, then click the “save” checkmark on the top right of the screen. To delete the professional, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Remove Professional”
How do I change my favorite animal organization?
From the “My Pets” screen click on the “More” gear icon then click on “My Profile”, then click on “Change Organization”. Select an animal organization then click the “save” checkmark on the top right of the screen.
What does choosing my favorite animal organization do?
One of our missions at Opening Cages is to support animal shelters and non-profit/charity animal organizations by donating a portion of our proceeds back to them. If you ever decide to upgrade to our paid version in the future, we will be donating a portion of that cost back to your favorite animal organization you have chosen.
How do I suggest my favorite animal organization to be considered?
From the “My Pets” screen click on the “More” gear icon then click on App Support. If you haven’t already, then you will need to verify your email address by clicking on the “Send email verification” button. Once you receive the verification email, click on the link in the email to verify your email address. On the app on the App Support screen, now click on the “Retry” button. You now can send an email suggesting your favorite animal organization to be considered.
How do I send a message to the app admin?
From the “My Pets” screen click on the “More” gear icon then click on “App Support”. If you haven’t already, then you will need to verify your email address by clicking on the “Send email verification” button. Once you receive the verification email, click on the link in the email to verify your email address. On the app on the App Support screen, now click on the “Retry” button. You now can send emails to the App Administrator.
How do I change my password, email address, phone number or profile picture?
From the “My Pets” screen click on the “More” gear icon then click on “My Profile”. Make the changes needed, then click on the “save” checkmark on the top right of the screen. You will be asked to enter your password in order to make the changes.
How do I switch to the Foster Parent section?
From the “My Pets” screen click on the “More” gear icon then click on “Area Of Interest” and choose “Already a Foster Parent”. You will then be asked if you would like to become a Foster Parent. Click ok. To get back to “Pet Owner”, click on the “More” gear icon then click on “Area Of Interest” and choose “Pet Owner”.
How do I share this app with a friend?
From the “My Pets” screen click on the “More” gear icon then click on “Share App”
Foster Parent - Android
How do I add a foster animal?
From the “My Fosters” screen, click “Add A Foster” at the bottom of the screen then fill in all the information about the animal, then click the “save” checkmark on the top right of the screen.
How do I edit or delete a foster animal?
From the “My Fosters” screen, click on the picture of the animal you wish to edit or delete, then click on the “edit” pencil icon on the top right of the screen. Make your changes, then click the “save” checkmark on the top right of the screen. The only thing you cannot edit is the Animal ID#. To delete the animal, after clicking on the “edit” pencil icon, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Remove Foster Details”
How do I add or delete a feeding time?
From the “My Fosters” screen, click on the picture of the animal you wish to add or delete a feeding time for, then click the Feedings icon on the bottom footer. Click on the “Add Feeding Time” button and set up all the times you want. When done, click on the “save” checkmark on the top right of the screen. To delete a feeding time, swipe left on the time and click delete.
How do I add a medication?
From the “My Fosters” screen, click on the picture of the animal you wish to add a medication for, then click the Medication icon on the bottom footer. Click “Add Another Medication”, fill in the information about the medication, then to set up the times you need to give the medication, click on “Set up” for Scheduled Times. Click “Add a Time” and enter time(s), then click the “save” checkmark on the top right of the times screen, then click the “save” checkmark on the top right of the medication screen.
How do I edit or delete a medication?
From the “My Fosters” screen, click on the picture of the animal you wish to edit or delete a medication for, then click on the Medication icon on the bottom footer. Click on the medication name, click on the “edit” pencil icon on the top right of the screen, make your changes, then click the “save” checkmark on the top right of the screen. To delete a medication, after clicking on the “edit” pencil icon, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Remove Medications”. Alternatively, you can delete a medication on the summary screen by swiping left, then clicking delete.
How do I record that I have given a medication or a feeding?
From the “My Fosters” screen, click on the “Enter Status” button beside the picture of the animal you wish to enter information for. For a medication, click on the “Medication Given” icon, select Administer beside the medication name you are giving, click on “Give” beside the pertaining time. For feeding, click on the “Feedings Given” icon and click on “Give” beside the pertaining time. Note that if you need to “ungive” a selection, you click on the “Given” button again to reset it to “Give”
I set up a medication & times but cannot see the times I set up?
If you set up a medication and the start date is set to a date in the future, the times will not be shown under Administer until that date.
How do I add a contact?
From the “My Fosters” screen click on the “Contacts” icon on the bottom footer. Click on the “Add a Contact” blue button or if you have already set up some contacts, then you click on the + symbol in the top right of the screen to add. Fill in the information and click the “save” checkmark on the top right of the screen.
How do I edit or delete a contact?
From the “My Fosters” screen click on the “Contacts” icon on the bottom footer. Click on the contact name in the gray bar that you wish to edit or delete, then click on the “edit” pencil icon on the top right of the screen. Make your changes, then click the “save” checkmark on the top right of the screen. To delete the contact, after clicking on the “edit” pencil icon, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Remove Contact”
How do I add or delete a picture in the gallery?
From the “My Fosters” screen, click on the picture of the animal you wish to add a picture of, then click on the “edit” pencil icon on the top right of the screen. To add a picture, click the + symbol, then either choose pictures from your phone’s album or click the “Take Photo” icon on the top right. You can post up to 7 pictures at a time, then click Done in the top right. Once back at the gallery, click the “save” checkmark on the top right of the gallery screen. To delete a picture after clicking the “edit” pencil icon you then click on the X in the top right of the picture you wish to delete.
How do I send a picture to a friend from the gallery?
From the “My Fosters” screen, click on the picture of the animal you wish to send a picture of, then click on the Gallery icon, click on the picture you wish to send then click on the share icon and choose your method to share the picture.
How do I enter a status for my foster(s)?
From the “My Fosters” screen, click on the “Enter Status” button beside the picture of the animal you wish to enter information for. To enter Weight, Output, Wellness or Notes, click on the pertaining icon, click the “Add” blue button at the bottom of the screen and fill in the information you want to record. When you are done filling in the information, click the “save” checkmark in the top right corner of the screen. **Note that entries made for Weight, Output, Wellness & Notes all go directly to the shelter you are set up with if you used your shelter’s code when you registered on the app.
How do I edit or delete a status entry?
From the “My Fosters” screen, click on the “Enter Status” button beside the picture of the animal you wish to edit or delete a status entry for. Go to the entry you wish to edit or delete, click on the “edit” pencil icon in the top right of the screen, make the changes you like, then click on the “save” checkmark in the to right of the screen. To delete an entry, after clicking the “edit” pencil icon, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Remove”. Alternatively, you can delete an entry on the summary screen by swiping left, then clicking delete.
How do I set up appointments or reminders?
From the “My Fosters” screen, click on the picture of the animal you wish to add an appt or reminder for, then click on the “Set Up Appts” icon on the bottom footer. Click “Add An Appt” then enter the details needed. Once done, click on the “save” checkmark on the top right of the screen. Note you can view appts under Set Up Appts on each individual animal profile but also on the My Fosters screen under View Appts for all fosters.
How do I enter a shelter code or change shelters?
From the “My Fosters” screen click on the “More” gear icon then click on “My Profile”, then click on “Change Shelters”. Where it says “Shelter Code” enter the code that your shelter gave to you then click the “save” checkmark on the top right of the screen then click on the back arrow. The shelter code will now appear on the My Profile screen.
How do I send a message to the app admin?
From the “My Fosters” screen click on the “More” gear icon then click on “App Support”. If you haven’t already, then you will need to verify your email address by clicking on the “Send email verification” button. Once you receive the verification email, click on the link in the email to verify your email address. Your email address is now verified and you now need to click on the “Retry” button on the App Support screen. You now can send emails to the App Administrator.
How do I change my password, email address, phone number or profile picture?
From the “My Fosters” screen click on the “More” gear icon then click on “My Profile”. Click on the “edit” pencil icon in the top right of the screen, make the changes needed, then click on the “save” checkmark on the top right of the screen. You will be asked to enter your password in order to make the changes.
How do I switch to the Pet Owner section?
From the “My Fosters” screen click on the “More” gear icon then click on “Area Of Interest” and choose Pet Owner. You will then be asked if you would like to become a Pet Owner. Click ok. To get back to “Already a Foster Parent”, click on the “More” gear icon then click on “Area Of Interest” and choose “Already a Foster Parent”.
How do I see the documents for my shelter?
From the “My Fosters” screen click on the “More” gear icon then click on “View Documents”
How do I share this app with a friend?
From the “My Fosters” screen click on the “More” gear icon then click on “Share App”